Here is the link to the Word document of this assignment
Directions: Find an article either in the
newspaper or online from a newspaper source, or any other reputable national or
international source. Examples of sources are listed at the class blog:
Read the article and fill out the statements or answer the questions
below. You may not use articles on
Entertainment/Gossip or Sports. Please
find and read about important issues in our world today. Because this is a current events assignment
you are to choose an article that is no more than a week old from when
the assignment is given. Read the Rubric at the end of the worksheet to
complete all the requirements for this assignment. Attach the article to the worksheet.
Topic of Article:
Title of Article: ______________________________________________________________________
Source: _____________________________________________________________________________
WHO is this article about? (Identify the people,
groups, or organizations) ____________________________________________________________________________________
WHAT is this story about? (What
WHEN did this story take place? (Date, Month, time
frame, and/or year)
WHERE is this event or issue
occurring? (Specify city, country,
region, etc.)
WHY is this story important? (Why
did the author write the article now?)
CONNECT TO YOU What does the article have to do with you? Can it
be connected to anything we learned or are learning about in class?
CONNECTING THE WORLD How does another news outlet nationally or
globally present this article? Is there a different title? Does it change your
opinion or make you feel the same way when you read it?
Grading will be based on the following rubric:
4 – Entire Current Event
assignment displays the following requirements for each question/statement
thoughtfulness, preparation, and accuracy.
Reflects real
understanding of the story and the issues.
Follows directions.
Is complete, neat, and
includes entire article.
Asks and answers a
provocative (for discussion purposes) question.
3 – Current Event
assignment is complete but lacks 2 of the above requirements.
2 – Current Event
assignment lacks 3 of the requirements.
1 – Current Event
assignment lacks 4 of the requirements.
0 – Current Event
assignment is late (excepting all day absence) or lacks 5 or more of the above